Basic Health and Safety Requirements for Ontario Workplaces
Basic Health and Safety Requirements for Ontario Workplaces
Training Requirements
Depending on the type of work you do, workers must have Job-specific training. For example, if you work in construction, you need to complete fall prevention training.
Once you’ve determined the training you and your workers need to be compliant with Ontario’s laws, there are various ways in which you can get the required Training.
If you work with hazardous materials, you need to complete training in the Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS)
Supervisors and Workers must be made aware of their roles, rights, and responsibilities. At a minimum, they should complete the MOL Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness in 5 Steps and the MOL Worker Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps
Provide workers with instructions and information on preventing violence and harassment in the workplace
If you have less than 5 employees on any site a worker trained with the Emergency First Aid CPR which is 6.5 hours in length.
If you have more than 6 employees on any site a worker trained in the Standard First Aid which is 13 hours in length
1 to 5 Workers
You are not required to have a JHSC or a health and safety representative unless a designated substance regulation applies to your workplace.
6 to 19 Workers
You are required to have one health and safety representative who is selected by the workers they represent.
If a designated substance regulation applies to your workplace, you are required to have a JHSC.
20 to 49 Workers
You are required to have a JHSC. The committee must have at least two (2) members.
50 plus Workers
You are required to have a JHSC. The committee must have at least four (4) members.
The Powers and Responsibilities of the H&S Rep and JHSC
- Must be familiar with the OHSA and Regulations pertaining to the appropriate Work Sector(s)
- Must conduct monthly inspections of the project
- Can identify health and safety hazards and make recommendations or report their findings to the employer
- Can inspect the place, machine, device, etc., where a fatality or critical injury occurred and report their findings to the MOL.
- If an HSR is required on a site, that person must be identified by name, trade, and employer.
Note: it is recommended that all H&S Reps complete the JHSC Member Certification Course
Safe Work and Safe Job Procedures
Safe work practices are written methods outlining how to perform a task with minimum risk to people, equipment, materials, environment, and processes. Safe job procedures are a series of specific steps that guide a worker through a task from start to finish in chronological order.
Workplace Violence and Harassment
The OHSA legislation requires employers to have a Workplace Violence and Harassment policy.
Specific H&S Procedures
Specific H&S Procedures need to be created and communicated. For example, Hot and Cold Weather Working, Incident Accident Reporting……….
Health and Safety Policy and Program
The OHSA legislation requires employers to have a written health and safety policy and a program to implement that policy.
Posted Documentation Requirements
- The “Health and Safety at Work” Poster
- The “Fair at Work Ontario” Poster (ESA)
- The Workplace Safety Insurance Board Poster (1,2,3,4)
- A current copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations
- Your Health and Safety Policy Statement
- Your Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy Statement
- Map to nearest Medical Facility
- Current First Aider Certificates
Note: All of the required documents and postings can be created/supplied by DCF & Associates.
Compliance Inc. WHMIS, Worker/Supervisor Training, Violence and Harassment, and many additional Training Modules can be provided and delivered by DCF & Associates Compliance Inc.
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